
解析:Which statement do the researchers

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】Which statement do the researchers think is wrong

A.They know how a tumor is developed.
B.They know now a new tumor is seeded in the body.
C.They know how the female hormone estrogen makes breast cancer cells grow.
D.They know breast cancer is a death sentence to women.


该题问:下面哪一项的陈述研究者认为是错误的 A项意为“他们知道一个肿瘤是如何发展的”,这一项内容可从本文第三段中找到Researchers now have a clear picture of how a cancer cell becomes a tumor,因此A项不是正确选项。B项意为“他们知道一个新肿瘤如何被种在身体里”。在本文第三段中也可以找到此项内容how cells break free from a tumor and glide through the bloodstream to seed a new one in another part of the body,因此B项也不是正确选项。C项意为“他们知道女性荷尔蒙雌性激素如何使乳腺癌细胞增加”。在本文的第三段也可以找到出处,因此C项不是正确选项。D项意为“他们知道乳腺癌对于妇女来说等于判了死刑”。从本文的第四段中可以发现一句话Most of all,a woman needs to remember that breast cancer is not a death sentence.因此可知研究者认为D项是错误的。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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