
解析:What does the conversation say abou

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】What does the conversation say about the passenger's ticket

A.It's a one-way ticket to New York.
B.It's for an aisle seat in the nonsmoking section.
C.It costs the man $ 438.
D.It's a two-way ticket to L.A.


[听力原文4-7] W: Next! Good morning, can I help you M: This place is a madhouse! Everybody is pushing and shoving! W: Yes, I know. We are shorthanded and we are very crowded today. Now, what can I do for you M: I want a ticket to New York. W: Okay. One way or round trip M: One-way, of course. I don't want to hang around here any longer. I was here in L. A. last year and I hated it. I come here on business every year and I hate it. W: That'll be $ 478. How would you like to pay M: Cash, of course. I don't believe in plastic money or credit cards. W: Aisle or window seat M: Window seat. W: Smoking or nonsmoking M: Nonsmoking, of course! Do I look like a smoker to you Are these smoker's eyes Oh, by the way, I'm supposed to get a special meal. Doctor's orders I can't eat meat. W: I'm sorry. I'm not able to do that. We need twenty-four hours' notice for special meals. M: What! You can't give me my special meal W: I'm sorry. I would like to, but I simply cannot. M: Well, I don't give up so easily. Where's your supervisor Where is he W: She! document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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