
解析:How did the man learn about pepper

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】How did the man learn about pepper

A.He read about it in a cookbook.
B.He grows his own herbs and spices.
C.He heard about it from a friend.
D.He studied it in cooking school.


[听力原文]8-10 M: We are almost finished. Could you hand me the white pepper W: Why white pepper and not black Aren't they the same thing M: Well, they are from the same plant, but white pepper is milder. I usually prefer it, it has a more settle flavor. W: How Aren't they from the same plant M: Well. ]t depends on how ripe it is when it's fixed. You surely have a lot of questions, W; That's because you have all the answers. Did you learn about this stuff in cooking school M: Yeah, we study all kinds of herbs and spices. W: So go on. It's interesting. How do we get black pepper done M: Ehh. Well, the pepper corn is actually a fruit. It grows on ripe. It's not really black or white. It turns from green to yellow to red as it ripens. For black pepper, you pick it when it's still a little immature, and then dry. W: Dry in darkness M: Well, the skin turns dark as it dries. W: Does that mean white pepper is pepper without the skin M: Exactly. It is put to dry in the sun after the skin is wrapped up. It's also mature a little longer than black pepper. W: SO they do all that just to get a milder pepper corn M: Right. And for special reason. Some chefs like the idea that he keeps white sources white. W: This green pepper corns are interesting. I never see them before. M: Green pepper has a very distinctive flavor. Some people really like it. W: So it must be picked really young. M: Right. And it's not sun dry. It's either put in a liquid or a freeze dry to keep the color. W: Well, you're quite the pepper expert, aren't you M: Oh, a good chef gets to know about spices. W: I'll be judge of that. Let me taste. Hmm, you passed. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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