
解析:What are the two speakers talking a

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【单选题】What are the two speakers talking about

A.A robot.
B.Some household gadgets.
C.An intelligent house.
D.A new fire alarm system.


[听力原文] 8-10 W: Will you tell us about the new intelligent house your company has built It promises to be a model for houses of the future. M: Certainly. The idea is not to have a house full of gadgets. This is a complete household system. It will make people's lives easier. W: OK. So tell me how this house will make my life easier M: When you arrive at the front door, you won't need a key. The door will open with atouch of your finger: the system recognizes your fingerprint. You'll be able to call your refrigerator when you're in the supermarket and find out how much milk you still have and figure out how much you need to buy. Isn't that wonderful W: Can I call the washing machine as well M: Sure. But you won't need to. The house comes with a robot. W: What about household problems M: Well, if a pipe bursts, the house will call the plumber. And if there's a fire, the house will turn on the fire extinguishers automatically and call the fire department. W: And what's the price of this intelligent house M: A million dollars. W: A million dollars! It will be the 22nd century before I'll be able to afford one. 本题测试对对话内容整体的理解和归纳能力,要求判断对话双方谈论的话题是什么。虽然选项A、B、D在文中都有所提及,但它们都只是构成整个话题an intelligent house的一个部分,因此正确答案应为C。 intelligent adj.智能化的 gadget n.小器具,小配件,小玩意 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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