
解析:Questions 6 is based on the follow

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】Questions 6 is based on the following news.At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.
Now listen to the news.

A.new government was formed after Sunday's elections.
B.The new government intends to change the welfare system.
C.The SocialDemocratic Party founded the welfare system.
D.The SocialDemocratic Party was responsible for high unemployment.

[听力原文] [6] The New Moderates Party began forming the new Swedish Government on Monday. In Sunday's elections, the New Moderates Party defeated the Social Democrats. The Social Democratic Party has controlled Sweden for all but nine years since 1932, building up the country's generous welfare state. But the New Moderates wants to change it. Sweden's welfare system is famed around the world. But the system encourages people to be lazy. And unemployment is also high in Sweden. One reason is the high tax on companies, which makes it difficult to employ new people. [考点] 本题的设题点在新闻的导语处。 [精析] 新闻开篇就提到,新的温和党在星期一开始筹备成立新的瑞典政府。接着,新闻又说明了新政府的由来:“在星期天的选举中,温和党打败了社会民主党。”后文介绍的是这个新政府的计划,由此可以推知,本篇新闻主要讲述的是星期天选举后瑞典产生的新政府,故选A。 查看试题解析出处>>


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