
解析:A probable title to this passage mi

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】A probable title to this passage might be ______.

A.The Importance of Planning in a Composition Exam
B.How to Choose a Topic for Composition
C.The Skill of Note-taking
D.How to Be a Good Writer


[听力原文]11-13 Some kind of planning in composition writing is essential. For one thing it reveals whether you really have enough to say on the topic you have chosen while there is still time to change to another topic. It is also important because it stimulates your ideas and helps to fix them in your mind. When you have chosen your topic, and perhaps have a general idea of your theme, make quick short notes of all the ideas that come into your head. Remember that these should be notes--words or phrases--not sentences, which would slow you down. As you do this you will find that new ideas will come to you, for one idea leads to another. You may have to rearrange your ideas, to decide which paragraphs they will fit into, and which ideas will be left out altogether. This should not take more than ten minutes, for in an examination you have no time to waste. It is for you to decide how detailed you plan should be. If you are good at writing, and have had plenty of practice, probably only a few brief notes will be necessary, but if you are not, then you may require a more de tailed plan. But remember that even the best writers need to make some notes if they are going to produce a well-organized piece of writing. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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