
解析:Which statement does not agree wit

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【单选题】 Which statement does not agree with the text
A.Mastectomy is the only reasonable choice for a woman with small breast and a large tumor.
B.Life-style and attitudes also play a role in the choice.
C.Many women make an improper decision in the treatment out of fear and lack of informa tion.
D.Women are more likely to feel tired if they accept mastectomy.


该题问:下面的哪一个陈述和文意不相符合?A项意为“乳房切除术是那些小乳房大肿瘤的妇女的惟一合理选择”。这从本文的倒数第三段的第一句可以找到出处For about 30 percent of women,mastectomy is the only reasonable choice—for example,a woman with small breasts and a large tumor,因此A项不是正确选项。B项意为“生活方式和态度在选项中也起作用”。在倒数第三段的第二句话中可以找到出处。因此B项也不正确。 C项意为“很多妇女在这个手术中作了不合适的决定,是因为对这个手术不甚了解,惧怕”。这在本文的倒数第二段的第一句可以找到出处Many women,however,choose mastectomy out of fear and lack of information,因此,C项也不正确。D项意为“如果妇女接受乳房切除手术,很容易感到疲倦”。在本文的最后一段是说乳房肿瘤切除术使大多数妇女容易疲倦,因此D项为正确选项,它不符合文章的意思。 查看试题解析出处>>


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