
解析:The new study conducted by Dr. Sacc

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】The new study conducted by Dr. Sacco and his colleagues is unique in that ______.

A.it refutes early studies on the protective effect of moderate drinking against heart attack
B.it confirms early studies of moderate drinking against heart attacks
C.it helps to resolve the disputes over the effect of moderate drinking against stroke
D.it finds that moderate drinking can benefit people of different races equally well


该题问:为什么说Dr. Sacco和他的组织的研究是独一无二的 C项意为“它帮助解决了围绕着适量饮酒能否防治中风这一争议”。第三段第一提到,论文的作者指出,适度饮酒可以防治心脏病,这一预防效果已完全得到确认,但是,有关酒与中风的关系,取得的数据一直存在分歧。而这项新的研究解决了这一问题。A和B不对,一方面因为文章中没堤到这项研究涉及饮酒防治心脏病的问题,另一方面因为第三段第一句提到:适度饮酒可以防治心脏病,这一预防效果已完全得到确认;D项不对,根据第三段最后一句,尚需对亚洲人等民族做进一步的,以确认在他们身上适量饮酒有什么作用。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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