
解析:Father’s heavily starched shirts to

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【分析解答题】Father’s heavily starched shirts too, were a problem. When he put one on, he pulled it down over his head, and thrust his arms blindly out fight and left in a hunt for the sleeves.
A、new shirt was strong enough to survive these strains without splitting, but life with Father rapidly weakened it, and the first thing he knew he would hear it beginning to tear. That disgusted him. He hated any evidence of weakness, either in people or things. In his wrath he would strike out harder than ever as he felt around for the sleeve. Then would come a sharp crackling noise as the shirt ripped open, and a loud wail from Mother.

试题答案:父亲的浆得挺硬的衬衫也是一个问题。父亲穿衬衫的时候,先往头上套,然后两只胳膊一左一右盲目地冲刺,寻找那两只袖子。一件新衬衫自然结结实实,经得起这一番冲杀,可是在父亲手里过日子,不久就衰弱了,开始裂缝。这叫父亲生气。他最恨软弱的形迹,无论是见之于人还是见之于物。他一生气,两只胳膊使劲儿。于是一声呱喇,衬衫开了个大口子,接着是母亲的大声哎呦。 答案解析:本篇翻译使用了顺译、增词、断句等方法。原文是一段关于父亲穿着衬衫的记叙文,描写细致具体,句子结构简单,用词生动、易懂。原文风格通俗、浅显,译文在选词用句上应体现这一点。 1.starch:“上浆”的意思,第一句话直接顺译。 2.pulled it down over his head: 把衣服往头上套。thrust, blindly, in a hunt for等词语描写生动,中文译为“盲目地冲刺,寻找”。增译了“先”,“然后”等词语,意思更加具体清晰。 3.strong enough to survive:“自然结结实实,经得起……”,汉语中使用叠词可避免文章风格过于呆板。第三句采用顺译的方法,难点在于汉语用词,life with Father rapidly weakened it译为“在父亲手里过日子,不久就衰弱了”。 4.That disgusted him是主谓简单句,him译为“父亲”。 5.either in people or things:无论是见之于人还是见之于物。 6.come a sharp crackling noise:译为“一声呱喇”,生动形象。ripped open:译为“开了个大口子”,使问题口语化,符合原文的风格。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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