

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【分析解答题】但那时我年少,血旺气盛,誓与凡俗抗争到底,于是连哄带骗将一净高1.74米女孩拐回家做起了太太,这一壮举颇为“残废”们扬了一段眉吐了半口气。 将大大置回家中后我才意识到我的悲哀,这一愤世之举不仅未了我“终生残废”之恨而又平添了“终生遗憾”,我从未享受过男人坚定有力的胳膊窝勾着大太姣荚柔滑的后脖子上街遛弯的幸福。 这一幸福对我来说不仅意味着双脚要离开这生我养我的土地,而且神圣的肚脐亦将昭之于众。 现在,每每出门,高扬的手壁牢牢地挂在太太的肩头,其状如猴子紧紧扒着电杆,任凭大大在马路上将我拖来拖去…… 痛苦的我常常痛苦的想,如果能重活一回,我再也不与世俗去抗争,因为与世抗争是要付出代价的。
试题答案: 答案解析:Back in those days, I was a callow young chap vastly capable of daring and foolhardiness, and determined to wrestle with this prejudice against men’s lace of height. So by book or by crook, I married a girl who was 1.74 metres in height. ouch an astonishing tour de force thus achieved greatly bolstered the morale and esteem of those of us who were "handicapped". But only after the girl was enticed into matrimony did I begin to feel my self-inflicted anguish. This over-reaction of mine not only failed to put an end to my "permanent handicap", but also gave me lifetime regret. I was deprived of the earthly pleasure of walking with my life in the street with my strong arm around her delicate neck because it meant that my feet would be lifted from the land that had nurtured me , and worse still, my sacred belly-button would be put on public display. What happens now is that whenever we go out together, with my outstretched arms tightly clinging to my wife’s shoulder, I am pretty much like a monkey hanging on to a wire people, allowing her to drag me along the street... In excruciating agony, I often ponder this: If I could live my life once again, I would never try to achieve the elimination of prejudices of any kind for the simple reason that there is a price to pay. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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