
解析:Like land, labor is means of produc

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】Like land, labor is means of production. In nonindustrial societies, access to both land and labor comes through social links such as kinship, marriage, and descent. Mutual aid in production is merely one aspect of ongoing social relationships that are expressed on many other occasions.
Nonindustrial societies contrast with industrial nations in regard to another means of production—technology. In bands and tribes manufacturing is often linked to age and gender. Women may weave and men make pottery or vice versA、Most people of a particular age and gender share the technical knowledge associated with that age and gender. If married women customarily make baskets, most married women know how to make baskets. Neither technology nor technical knowledge is as specialized as it is in states.
However, some tribal societies do promote specialization.Among the Yanomani ofBenezuela andBrazil, for instance, certain villages manufacture clay pots and others make hammocks. They don’t specialize, as one might suppose, because certain raw materials happen to be available near particular village.Clay suitable for pots is widely available.Everyone knows how to make pots, but not everybody does so.Craft specialization reflects the social and political environment rather than the natural environment. Such specialization promotes trade, which is the first step in creating an alliance with enemy villages. Specialization contributes to keeping the peace, although it has not prevented inter-village warfare.
Among the Trobriand Islanders of the South Pacific, Malinowski found that only two out of several villages manufactured certain ceremonial items that were important in a regional exchange network called the kula ring.As among the Yanomani, this specialization was unrelated to the location of raw materials. We don’t know why this specialization began, but we do know that it persisted within the kula ring, which allied several communities and island in a common trade network.
In regard to technology, how do nonindustrial societies differ from industrial societies
A、In nonindustrial societies, there is not any kind of specialization of technology.
B、In nonindustrial societies, technology is not as specialized as it is in industrial society.

C、In industrial societies, women do different jobs before and after marriage.
D、In industrial societies, people are more easily adapted to certain technical fielD、

本题出题点在段尾的否定句式处(Neither…nor…)。根据题干信息词differ from将答案锁定在文章第二段末句,该句说明非工业社会的技术和技术知识都没有工业社会那样专业化。可见B正确。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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