
解析:Summarizing is the basic output ski

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】Summarizing is the basic output skill for university and college work because all the "higher" forms of speech and writing depend on it. To summarize effectively, you must pick out the key words and ideas of a passage, a chapter, a story, a lecture, a discussion, a syllabus topic and then link them up in continuous speech or writing for smooth transmission to someone else’s minD、The aim is to be brief and to the point.
The skill has many applications and can be developed in many ways. For example, trying to sum up what you have read or heard accurately, briefly and in your own words, is an excellent way to sessions, while conversations and letter writing provide countless everyday opportunities for practice.Essay or examination instructions to define, describe, list or explain are really asking you to sum up what you know on some aspect of the course. More searching questions which ask you to discuss, comment on, compare, assess, criticize or justify require you first to sum up the relevant facts and ideas, in order to interpret, judge or apply them in some way. To make responsible judgments based on facts, to discuss ideas intelligently or to persuade other people to your point of view, you must be able to state what the key facts are and express clearly the ideas you are discussing.
One of the most important uses of summary on higher education is in making notes on library research. Facts and ideas in written assignments may be drawn from various sources (which you must acknowledge) but they must be blended skillfully to form a unified whole and there should be only one style—your own.By taking most of your notes in summary form you eliminate the risk of plagiarism or a clash of styles and you also make your writing task much easier.
Plagiarism, as most students know, means stealing someone else’s words or ideas and presenting them as if they were your own. It is a serious offence with severe penalties such as a failing grade for the course or dismissal from the university. What many students do not realize is that poor note-making techniques—such as copying instead of summarizing can lead to plagiarism even when there is no conscious intent to deceive. Other students mistakenly think that acknowledging the sources and putting quotation marks around all the copied bits will be enough to make their papers acceptable. They do not realize that stringing together chunks of other people’s writing can never produce an original or forceful argument or a smooth and pleading style.
According to the passage, using other people’s ideas in written assignments______.A.is acceptable so long as you quote their words
B.requires skill in summarizing
C.leads to a clash of styles
D.is a punishable offence


[解析] 细节题。根据“By taking most of your notes in summary form…you also make your writing task much easier.”可知答案为B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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