

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【分析解答题】在这同时,要进一步办好国家企业再就业服务中心。企业再就业服务中心要向下岗职工按时足额发放基本生活费,并代他们缴纳社会保险金。对确有困难的中西部地区和老工业基地,中央财政将继续给予支持。不过,各地领导部门要引导职工转变择业观念,努力开拓就业门路,搞好职业培训,使更多的下岗职工尽早实现再就业。 各级政府要通力合作,加强督促检查,保证各项再就业政策落实到位。我们要鼓励和引导有条件的企业实行主辅分离,转岗分流安置富余人员,创办独立核算、自负盈亏的经济实体。在做好上述工作的同时,我们要积极推进改革,逐步形成独立于企业事业单位之外、奖金来源多渠道、管理服务社会化的、有中国特色的社会保险体系。
试题答案: 答案解析:Meanwhile, the operation of reemployment centers for SOEs must be farther improved. These centers should provide basic living expenses to laid-off workers on schedule and in full, and play the premiums for the social welfare insurance of these workers as well. Allocations from the central government budget will continue to support the central and western regions and old industrial bases whose financial problems are truly serious. However, local authorities should help these workers to be more open-minded in their selection of jobs, work hard to create jobs, develop vocational training programs for laid-off workers, and help more people find work quickly. Governments at all levels should cooperate wholeheartedly to strengthen supervision and inspection, making sure that various policies of reemployment are fully implemented. Whenever possible, enterprises should be encouraged and advised to separate their primary business activities from secondary ones, find other positions for their redundant workers within the enterprises, and set up new economic entities with independent accounting and responsibility for their own profits and losses. While the above-mentioned tasks are to be well performed, we should also advance reforms to gradually form a social security system with Chinese characteristics. The system will be run independent of the employer, having diversified fun- ding sources and offering management and services provided by social institutions other than the employer. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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