
解析:In this section there are fou

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In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked [A], [B], [C], and [D].Choose the one that you think is the best answer.
Mark your answers on you.’ANSWER SHEET.


The Metropolitan Police will no longer describe black people as black, as part of a new attempt to counter charges of racism in the force.Both black andAsian people will in future be referred to as "visible minority ethnics".
The term, which replaces the phrase "black andAsian minority ethnics" is expected to be adopted officially in January.
The decision was criticized yesterday as unnecessary and confusing by black police officers.Anna Scott, the general secretary of the NationalBlack PoliceAssociation, said it amounted to a step too far by the "political correctness" movement.
"We have gone from saying ’ black ethnic minority’ to ’ black minority ethnic’ to ’ visible minority ethnic’ in a matter of years," she sai
D、"There has been so much emphasis on the issue of terminology, that the issue has become confusing for black police officers, let alone white ones. We are risking becoming too politically correct at the expense of being clearly understood by officers and the general publiC、"
A、senior police official told The Telegraph that some white officers were using the phrase so that they would avoid saying the words "black" or "Asian", for fear of causing offence.
The official claimed that the term would allow these communities to be distinguished for others—such as the Irish and the Greeks—whose members are, according to the new terminology, "invisible" because they tend to be light-skinned.
In the 1960s, the phrase "colored" was officially used by some police forces.By the 1970s, this had changed to "black" to describe people whose ancestors originated from theCaribbean andAfrica and "Asian’’ for those who originated from the Indian subcontinent.
The phrase "ethnic minority" was also widely used as a collective term for both groups, but this was dropped in favor of "minority ethnic" five years ago, promising criticism that it was an improper use ofEnglish.
Bernard Lamb, the chairman of the London branch of the Queen’sEnglish Society, said that the new description was grammatically incorrect and over-sensitive. "I do not like this new term at all. The word ethnic’ is an adjective and you cannot pluralize an adjective," he sai
D、"They seem to have used a euphemism for black andAsian when I imagine most black andAsian people do not mind the empty words themselves at all."
The change will cost a significant sum of public money in retraining officers and rewriting manuals and a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said that some senior officers were already using the term.
The spokesman said that the new term was not a redefinition but was meant to standardize the phraseology used by the police.
"Concerns have been raised about the nature and range of terms used in papers presented to the authority when discussing ethnicity."
"To ensure that there is a uniform approach and understanding of terminology used in future, and that offence is avoided, the January meeting of the authority’s equal opportunities and diversity board will make decisions about the terminology we expect to use," he said.

ForBernard Lamb, the shift from "ethnic minority" to "minority ethnic"A.is condemned by all the classes
B.has no essential improvement at all
C.is no more than a trend of degradation or back up

D、reflects the conflict between the authority and the minorities


事实细节题。根据文章的第九段我们可以看出Bernard Lamb对这个名称持批评态度,认为不仅不合乎语法,而且过分敏感,由此可以推断这应是一种倒退,而不仅仅是没有改进,所以排除干扰项[B],选[C]。选项[A]和[D]都不是Lamb要表达的观点。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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