
解析:In order to comprehend the (31)

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】In order to comprehend the (31) realities of labor market discrimination (32) females, it is (33) to understand both its function and its origins. Functionally, labor market segmentation (34) a number of purposes. It provides a (35) labor supply to accommodate the anarchy of the market while reducing the risks to capital; it divides labor into antagonistic groups based on pre-existing social divisions, (36) prevents the recognition of the common conflict of all labor with employers; it allows employers to divide (37) the market and pay the (38) necessary price for each group of workers (just as the airlines divide up the (39) market among business travelers, youth, families, pensioners, vacationers, et cetera, so as to extract the (40) price from each group); and it provides the employer (41) different sets of labor characteristics that are required by (42) types and levels of operation.
The origin of this labor market segmen- tation (43) in the transition from the household form of production, with its (44) division of labor, which recognizes power of the family, (45) the industrial capitalist form of production. Women as a group have never totally escaped from household production, (46) economically socially. The result is the relegation of women to those unskilled (in the sense of marketable credentials) jobs (47) that are a market extension of home production or, given to low productivity of homework, to the emerging labor intensive occupations that rely on low wages, such as clerical work. The women’s role in reproduction has also encouraged a broken pattern of labor market participation that has traditionally blocked (48) to employers to the class struggle put up primarily by male workers (49) the degradation of work under industrial capitalism, which (50) the capture of high-productivity, high-wage jobs for the primary male work.


此处意为“两个中的任一个”,neither…nor意思是“既不…也不……”:C、D搭配错误;前文中已有never表否定,所以选B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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