
解析:At the end of last week,BodegaAurre

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】At the end of last week,BodegaAurrerá, a Mexican subsidiary of the world’s biggest retailer, Wal-Mart, opened a new store in the village of San Juan Teotihuacán, just north of MexicoCity. Normally, such an event would cause little stir. Wal-Mart is already Mexico’s biggest retailer, too.And its shops seem to go down very well with its millions of bargain-hungry customers.But this particular opening was, in fact, the culmination of months of protests, legal actions, hunger strikes and hyperbole by those determined to stop it.
The reason is the location. Just 2.5 km (1.6 miles) away is the ancient city of Teotihuacán, probably Mexico’s most famous archaeological site.Amongst other attractions, it boasts the third- largest (by volume) pyramid in the worlD、For many Mexicans, the ancient site, abandoned by its mysterious inhabitants centuries before the Spanish conquerors arrived, remains the ultimate symbol of Mexican identity and nationhooD、Thousands troop up to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun to celebrate the summer solstice.
To them, the idea of having a Wal-Mart next door is abhorrent. In the words of HomeroAridjis, a writer and one of the leading opponents, "it is like driving the stake of globalization into the heart of old Mexico." The controversy is only the latest in a string of protesters’ attempts to save Mexican culture from what they see as a creeping menace. They won a famous victory by blocking a McDonalds restaurant from opening in the main square of the pretty southern colonial town of Oaxac
But this time they were on much thinner grounD、For a start, Wal-Mart went through all the appropriate regulatory hoops, even getting permission from the Paris-based InternationalCouncil on Monuments and Sites, which judged that the store would cause no harm to the nearby ruins.
A、small stone platform was indeed found during construction of the new car park, but was preserveD、
Just as importantly, the claim that the new store spoils the famous view from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun is clearly bogus, as anyone who cares to get to the top can testify. The problem is not so much that you can see the Wal-Mart, but one of trying to distinguish it from the 30-odd other ugly, squat buildings that litter the surrounding countryside—to say nothing of the car parks, the electricity pylons and the large power station. Sadly, unrestricted building long ago ruined this particular view, as well as many others in Mexico.
Toward the fate of Wal-Mart, the writer’s attitude can be said to be______.




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