
解析:Ricci’’s "OperationColumbus"  Ricci

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【单选题】Ricci’’s "OperationColumbus"  Ricci, 45, is now striking out on perhaps his boldest venture yet. He plans to market anEnglish-language edition of his elegant monthly art magazine, FMR, in the United States. Once again the skeptics are murmuring that the successful Ricci has headed for a big fall.And once again Ricci intends to prove them wrong.  Ricci is so confident that he has christen quest "OperationColumbus" and has set his sights on discovering anAmerican readership of 300,000. That goal may not be too far- fetche
D、The Italian edition of FMR ― the initials, of course, stand for Franco Maria Ricci― is only 18 months ol
D、But it is already the second largest art magazine in the world, with a circulation of 65,000 and a profit margin of US $ 500,000. TheAmerican edition will be patterned after the Italian version, with each 160-page issue carrying only 40 pages of ads and no more than five articles.But the contents will often differ. TheEnglish-language edition will include moreAmerican works, Ricci says, to helpAmericans get over "an inferiority complex about their art". He also hopes that the magazine will become a vehicle for a two-way cultural exchange ― what he likes to think of as a marriage of brains, culture and taste from both sides of theAtlantiC、  To realize this version, Ricci is mounting one of the most lavish, enterprising ― and expensive promotional campaigns in magazine-publishing history.Between November and January, eight jumbo jets will fly 8 million copies of a sample 16-page edition of FMR across theAtlantiC、From a warehouse in Michigan, 6.5 million copies will be mailed toAmerican subscribers of various cultural, art and business magazines. Some of the remaining copies will circulate as a special Sunday supplement in the New York Times. The cost of launching OperationColumbus is a staggering US $5 million, but Ricci is hoping that 600% of the price tag will be financed by Italian corporations. "To land inAmericaColumbus had to use Spanish sponsors," reads one sentence in his promotional pamphlet. "We would like Italians."  LikeColumbus, Ricci cannot know what his reception, will be on foreign shores. In Italy he gambled ― and won ― on a simple concept: it is more important to show art than to write about it. Hence, one issue of FMR might feature 32 full-colour pages of 17th-century tapestries, followed by 14 pages of outrageous eyeglasses. He is gambling that the concept is exportable. "I don’’t expect that more than 30% of my readers.., will actually read FMR," he says. "The magazine is such a visual delight that they don’’t have to. "Still, he is lining up an impressive stable of writers and professors for theAmerican edition, including NoamChomsky,AnthonyBurgess,Eric Jong and Norman Mailer. In addition, he seems to be pursuing his own eclectic vision without giving a moment’’s thought to such established competitors asConnosisseur and Horizon. "TheAmericans can do almost everything better than we can, "says Ricci,"But we (the Italians) have a 2,000 year edge on them in art."We get the impression that theAmerican edition of FMR will probably
A、carry many academic articles of high standar

B、follow the style of some famous existing magazines.
C. be read by one third ofAmerican magazine readers.

D、pursue a distinctive editorial style of its own.


本题为一般推理题。依据第2段中间部分内容可以排除A。根据第4段倒数第2句可排除B,也可基本确定D。结合此段上面几句,可进一步确定D。第4段中那一句"I don’’t expect that more than 30% of my readers...will actually read FMR."的意思是说:Ricci预料在他的杂志读者群中,多于30%的读者不会去阅读(而是翻看)FMR。事实上,Ricci并不知美国人对此杂志会有什么样的反应(见此段第1句),故可排除C。 Operation Columbus“哥伦布行动”。operation这个词用作大写时,常为某行动代号名的一部分,表示“行动计划”。例如,Operation Overload指“霸王计划”,即第二次世界大战中由美国制订的从西部进攻欧洲的军事计划的代号,该计划的目标于 1944年6月6日实施。 strike out(On)独立闯新路,开辟(道路等) christen本意为“(施洗礼时)给……命名”,用在此处说明Ricci自认为到美国开拓市场是一项很伟大的工作。 inferiority complex自卑情结 staggering(数目)巨大的,大得惊人的 line up an impressive stable of writers and professors line up表示“组织”、“邀集”。 stable这里表示“受同一人(或机构)经营的人(如运动员、演员等)”。 have an edge on sb.对某人有优势,占某人的上风 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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