
解析:What is the woman’s book about A、I

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【单选题】What is the woman’s book about
A、It is about how to protect the environment.
B.It is about how to educate children.
C.It is about how to raise children in a healthy way.
D.It tells people to live in an environmentally friendly way.


[听力原文] 1-5 M: Now our count it down to Earth Day. We are showing you how to green in every aspect of your life, how to go green. And we are kicking off this series this morning with Deirdre Emus, the author of Growing Up Green !— Baby and Child Care. (1) Now her book is:a roadmap for how to raise all of our children in a healthy and environmentally friendly way. It’s packed with really wonderful tips. We are just goanna show you some of them here but I have to admit already I have a crush on you, Deirdre I must and I’ll tell you that I am sorry but I really do, even before I met you, because these are such great ideas. W: Thank you, thank you. Sam. M: Tell me why is it even important for us to be thinking about raising a child environmentally friendly from day one. Why is that important W: (2) It’s important because our children are being exposed in all directions from their food, everyday products, cleaning products everything in the home. The air, our soil, our water are polluted. Many of these products in our food chain have carcinogens and neurotoxins and endocrine disrupters, hormone disrupters, so it makes sense to use at least some of toxicity with everything you do with your children for alive. M: And reading this, it starts to make sense to me because we have somebody crying in the studio. It starts to make sense to me because you smell the product when you spray, it smells harsh to you, but the kids are on the floor, they have their mouths on the table, they are actually ingesting all these stuff. Let’s start with the house cleaning products and do we get the chemicals out of these products W: Yes, these products are all non-toxic products, the great example here of hand dish, distilled white vinegar which has been around for years, and then non-toxically purpose cleaners. The difference with the green and non-toxic cleaning products is that they do not contain chlorine bleach urn ammonia or any of those synthetic chemicals. M: Those are two that we are really worried about, chlorine and ammonia. W: Really. (3) Especially chlorine bleach for morns that have little babies and pets. It’s a low-lying chemical, which means it’s at around our knees here. It stays at that level where your child’s mouth is breathing. So it’s much more detrimental to children. M: (3)1 love your tip that cleaning products should look like water because if they don’t, then they have chemicals and false colorings and everything else, sort of. So they should look clear like that. I didn’t think about that. W: Unless they use vegetable dye for their colorings, they are naturally going to be clear. Otherwise they have synthetic chemicals that are very harmful. M: I didn’t even think about that. M: Now glass bottles. This was the biggest news yesterday with the plastic bottles, glass bottles and baby food,organic baby food. Tell me why organic food is important. W: (4) Organic food is important because organic means that all the food that you are feeding your child does not have pesticides. Again, pesticides are known carcinogens and neurotoxins and are totally in links from studies with all the children’s illnesses that can happen. It smells good, right M: It does smell good. W: "EARTHS BEST"—the trademark of an organic food for children—has been around, this is what I fed my son,my nine-year-old son and I’ve even eaten this baby food, there’s a study that was done where they found in conventional baby food over 16 different pesticides, just in a jar of baby food. M: See, and let’s see, let’s say that again, because when I read that this morning, getting ready for your interview,that really shocked me. Sixteen in a test of baby food, regular baby food. How many pesticides did they found W: Sixteen they found. And pesticides are known carcinogens and neurotoxins and are linked to everything from cancer, to autism, to learning disabilities, allergies, asthma. M: Well, let’s be fair, th 查看试题解析出处>>


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