
解析:Clarton Lonetree was convicted of

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

Clarton Lonetree was convicted of ______.
B、murder C、espionage D、theft

[听力原文] A United States Marine Sergeant Clarton Lonetree has been convicted of passing secrets to the S0viet Union while serving as a guard at the American embassy in Moscow. A military court in Virginia found Sergeant Lonetree guilty of 13 charges of espionage arising out of what became known as the sex for secret scandal. Lonetree and a number of fellow guards at the embassy were arrested earlier this year. Most of charges against his colleagues have been dropped. The 8-men jury in Virginia was told that Eonetree fell love with a female Soviet translator and passed classified information to the KGB. The court rejected a claim by Lonetree’s lawyer that he disclosed nothing of value to the KGB, but had deliberately passed material of little use in a personal attempt to become a freelance double agent on the behalf of the United States. Lonetree is to be sentenced on Monday and couldbe jailed for life, 推断题 文中提到…Clarton Lonetree has been convicted of passing secrets to the Soviet Union…和…13 charges of espionage…可知,C为正确选项。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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