
解析:There are essentially two basic cat

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】There are essentially two basic categories of frauD、The first, (31) really is lying, is sometimes called positive fraud, (32) saying something that is not true. Under this category would (33) the making of representations that have no basis in fact, even if the person making the statement does not know them to be (34) Without wishing to demean the many real estate agents who (35) such practices, I think of the real estate agents who say "this place is in great (36) " when they know the plumbing and wiring are bad—that’s (37) a lie or who say "The schools in this district are wonderful" when they really haven’t (38) the schools and are pretending to know about them. In either of these examples, the person making the statement is asking to be (39) as a knowledgeable professional, and to have his or her statements relied upon. (40) , if someone in fact does rely on those representations and suffers damages as a (41) , they usually have a good care on a suit for frauD、
Negative fraud, on the other hand, means (42) from someone a material fact. When the fact in question is one that makes a difference in a decision, and people actually makes that decision in a way that (43) to work against them, then they suffer damage and a suit is (44) to develop. However, by law and by the ethical standards of many professions the material fact must be disclosed regardless of (45) it would have actually influenced a (46) judgment. The material fact is something that consumers or members of the public have a right (47) , whether or not it makes any difference to them personally. So, merely keeping back a material fact on the (48) that "in this case it wouldn’t matter anyway" is in itself (49) a professional standard of care in a good many (50) of life and a cause of action so far as the law is concerneD、


[解析] 在上文所举的两个例子中,无论是撒谎还是假装知道,均是要求别人把自己作为专家而加以尊重,因而造成他人错误的相信其言而上当受骗。单词respected意为“尊重,尊敬”,在此符合文意。其余三个选项:admire意为“羡慕”;’worship“崇拜”;adore意为“崇拜,爱慕”;均不符合文意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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