
解析:In this section you will hear

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In this section you will hear everything ONCE、ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer skeet.

Which of the following does Mr. Phelps consider the LEAST when applying for the vacancyA.The reputation of the bank.
B.Good training opportunities.
C.Room for long-term career growth.
D.Immediate wages and bonuses.


[解析] 面试开始不久时,Mrs. Smith问到求职动机时,Mr.Phelps的回答表明他更看重长远的机会,着眼于两三年后的发展,而非眼前的工资。可见短期的待遇不是他求职时看重的方面,D为正确答案。 [点睛] 推理判断题。①听音时注意前后互为对比的信息,有助于核实对信息的理解,录音中long term 和immediate就是意思相反的关键词。②Mr. Phelps提到想到世界顶级银行工作;又提到希望能有培训的机会;此外,他更看重长期目标,故A、B、C均符合他的求职动机。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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