
解析:Questions 24 to 25 are based on th

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【单选题】Questions 24 to 25 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.
According to the report,Britain’s economy ________.A.has been experiencing a recession
B.has come out of a recession
C.is experiencing the second longest recession
D.saw a small rise in the third quarter


[听力原文] 24-25 New figures have ended expectations that the British economy might be emerging from recession.Instead of showing an improvement as had been predicted, the economy shrank in the three months to the end of September.It makes this the longest recession in Britain since records began more than half a century ago(24) .Lucy Hooker has this report. Economists had predicted a small rise in Britain’s output for the third quarter of the year.But hopes of an end to the recession were dashed with figures showing the value of goods and services sold fell by a little under a half percent between July and September.By contrast,France,Germany and Japan have all returned to growth already in the second quarter while America’s economy shrank only very slightly over the summer(25) .But Britain suffered badly both from the problems in the financial sector and the housing price bubble. 第一段黑体部分显示:英国经济在三个月内收缩,一直持续到9月底。这使此次经济衰退成为英国历史上最长的一次(自半个世纪多世纪前有记录开始)。故答案选A。 [名师点津] 1.recession:(工商业)衰退,不景气。 2.shrank:shrink的过去式,意为“收缩,使缩小”。 3.dash:冲撞,破灭。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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