
解析:MrBrown is making inquiries about A

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】MrBrown is making inquiries about
A、full parking facilities.
B.leaving his car in the U. K.
C.having his car service

D、hiring a car abroa


对话一开始,顾客便问到leaving my car with you的有关事宜。本题考查领会细节的能力。 [听力原文] - Clerk: Good morning, sir. Can I help you Customer: I want to make inquiries about leaving my car with you. You see, I’m going abroad, I don’t want to take the car but I’ll need it when I get back. Clerk: I see, sir. Well, we can offer you full parking facilities for as long as you wish. Customer: Good. I’m going to Athens for about a couple of weeks. Clerk: Right, so how long do you want to leave the car with us Customer: Well, I’m flying to Athens on the 5th and coming back on the 19th -- that’s fourteen days, isn’t it Clerk: That works out at fifteen days parking, sir. Let me show you our scale of charges. We have a minimum fee of 6.50 pounds but for fifteen days it would only cost you 24.75 pounds. Customer: It says 23.10 pounds here. Clerk: No, sir, that’s for fourteen days. If you’re going to be away for fourteen nights, you wouldn’t be picking up the car for fifteen days. Customer: Hmm -- fifteen it is then. Clerk: Now, if you’ll just come this way, sir, we’ll complete the booking form. Could I have your name Customer: Brown. Donald Brown ... Clerk: ... and the make of car, sir Customer: Just a Mini Metro. Clerk: Mini Metro. And the colour We get rather a lot of Mini Metros. Customer: It’s a sort of greenish-grey. I suppose you’d call it green really. Clerk: Green. What’s the registration number Customer: Oh, KTY630Y. Clerk: And your car key number Customer: I say, is this all really necessary Clerk: Afraid so, sir. Security, you see. Customer: Oh, all right. It’s FL243. Clerk: FL 243. Customer: Look here, this isn’t going to take longer, is it Clerk: Only another minute or so, sir. Your departure date is May’5th, I think you said. Customer: Yes, yes, the 5th, that’s a Friday. Clerk: Friday, 5th May. Now what time is your flight, sir Customer: Ten to twelve, I think. But I’ll have to check in about half an hour beforehand. Clerk: Well, we like customers to check their cars in here at least twenty minutes before check-in time. We have a minibus to take you to the airport. It’s only about ten minutes drive. Customer: So, I ought to be here about ten past eleven. Clerk: Well, it’s safer before that. We do get very busy. And you’re returning on the 19th Customer: Yes, that’s right. Clerk: And how would you like to pay, sir Customer: Oh, by cheque. Who do I make it out to Clerk: Gatwick Parking Limited. Customer: And it’s 24.75 pounds. Clerk: That’s right, sir. I’ll just give you a receipt. Customer: Don’t bother, I can’t wait. There’s a traffic warden coming down the street and I’m parked on a double yellow line. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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