
解析:{{B}}TEXTA{{/B}} DavidBeckham, t

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DavidBeckham, the most recognizable face in the world’s most popular game, was the biggest newsmaker in international sports in 2003. TheEngland captain’s $ 43 million transfer from Manchester United to Real Madrid was voted the top sports story of the year in a worldwide poll ofAssociated Press subscribers.
TheBeckham saga finished comfortably ahead of the doping scandals that rocked sports, Michael Schumacher’s record sixth Formula One title, LanceArmstrong’s fifth straight Tour de France victory andEngland’s WorldCup rugby triumph.Beckham received 15 first-place votes and 321 total points from 55 ballots cast from sports editors and broadcasters on all continents—not counting the United States, which has its own survey.
Even before this year,Beckham was magnet for attention: his hairstyles, fashion statements, sponsor-ship ads and marriage to a former Spice Girl--not to mention his trademark free kicks and brilliant passes.ButBeckham mania grew to a frenzy in June with his transfer from Manchester United, his home for 13 years, to Real Madrid, a nine-timeEuropean champion. He joined a roster that includes Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane, Luis Figo, RobertoCarlos and Raul Gonzalez. "If I have become a better player it’s because these players around me have made me step up to another level,"Beckham saiD、"I would say coming to Real Madrid was one of the best decisions I have ever made."
A、series of high-profile drug cases finished second in theAP voting with 13 first-place votes and 297 points.British sprinterDwainChambers, four U.S. track and field athletes and four NFL players have tested positive for the THG, a previously undetectable steroiD、The scandal has widened with dozens of prominent stars, including baseball’sBarryBonds, testifying before a federal grand jury in San Francisco investigating theCalifornia lab accused of being the source of the drug.
Third in the voting with 279 points, including seven first-place votes, was Schumacher’s Fl title. The Ferrari driver won his latest championship by just two points over Kimi Raikkonen, with an eighth-place finish in the season’s final race.Armstrong was fourth in the poll with 225 points. The Texan matchedEddy Merckx, Miguel Indurain,Bernard Hinault and JacquesAnquetil with his fifth Tour de France victory.England’s first WorldCup rugby championship, an overtime victory againstAustralia in Sy0ncy--was fifth with 196 points. RomanAbramovich’s transformation ofChelsea’s soccer team was sixth followed by the death ofCameroon soccer star Marc Vivien Foe at the FIFA、ConfederationsCup. KobeBryant’s arrest on sexual assault charges was voted eighth.

In the voting, those standing from the sixth to the eighth are ______.Abramovich’s purchase ofChelsea, KobeBryant’s sexual assault, Foe’s death
B.Foe’s death,Abramovich’s purchase ofChelsea, KobeBryant’s sexual assault
C.Abramovich’s purchase ofChelsea, Foe’s death, KobeBryant’s sexual assault
D.KobeBryant’s sexual assault,Abramovich’s purchase ofChelsea, Foe’s death


[解析] 事实细节题。根据最后一段的说明,罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇收购切尔西俱乐部排在第六位,后面紧跟的是喀麦隆足球明星福的猝死事件(即第七位);科比·布赖恩特的性侵犯案被评选为第八名,符合此种排列的是[C]。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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