
解析:What started the public and Congres

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【单选题】What started the public and Congressional concern about deceptive packaging rumpus'

A.Consumers' complaints about the changes in package size.
B.Expensive packaging for poor quality products.
C.A senator's discovery of the tricks in packaging.
D.The rise in the unit price for many products.


使得公众和国会对欺骗性包装非常关注的白接原因在第一段就明确说明了是“because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes of cereals consumed by him,Mrs.Hart,and their children were beeoming higher and narrower,with a de chine of net weight from 12 to 10.5 ounces,without any re duction in price.”,而且后来Mr.Hart还“complained of a store-bought pie in a handsomely illustrated box that pictured, in a single slice, almost as many cherries as there were in the whole pie.”,所以正确答案足[C]。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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