
解析:In the first incident, the couple h

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】In the first incident, the couple had planned to spend their weekend together ______.

B、in New York
C.in Oslo
D.in Washington


[听力原文]Questions - Man: ...anyway, I felt pretty upset, I can tell you! Woman: Well, something even worse happened to some friends of a colleague of mine in New York. The husband was on an extended business trip and the idea was that his wife would come over in the middle of it to spend a long weekend with him. He was flying in from Boston, and the wife from Europe and they were going to meet up on the Friday evening and stay the weekend together at one of those very big hotels near Central Park. Man: Yeah. Woman: Well, the hotel computer had got file first letter of their name wrong--theft name began with a B (I think it was Berry) but it was spelt on the computer with a P. So the wife arrived at the hotel, gave her name and asked "Has ray husband arrived yet " and the reception clerk looked her up on the computer, said "No, not yet" and so she said she’ d wait in their room and she was shown to the room. Well, then about half an hour later the husband arrived and gave this name and spelt it out carefully to the reception clerk and asked "Has my wife arrived yet " and she looked up the name on the computer and said "No, not yet", so he said he’ d wait in the room and the clerk promised to send his wife up to him when she arrived and he was shown up to a different room. So he turned on the TV and started waiting. Man: Oh... Woman: Well, they both waited for a couple of hours and then the wife called reception, was told her husband still hadn’t arrived. So she went down to the restaurant and had a meal and then, being fired, you know, she went to bed. The husband was not quite hungry so, after calling reception and being told his wife still hadn’t arrived, he went down to have his dinner, and then went to bed. Well, the next day, they narrowly missed each other at breakfast, so they decided there was no point in sitting around waiting, so they both went out shopping or sightseeing, missed each other again that evening and didn’t finally meet up again fill the next afternoon. By this time the husband had to fly off to Washington for a meeting first thing on Monday! Man: Oh, that’s amazing] It’s always strange in a new city. I... I remember once I was going to a conference in Norway, I landed at Oslo Airport and as I didn’t know the city, I picked up a whole lot of leaflets and a street map at the airport before catching the bus into town. Woman: Mhm. Man: Well, one of the leaflets was quite fat, about 100 pages long and it was called "Where to Eat in Oslo", so I started looking at it to find a nice restaurant to go to that evening --I always prefer to eat out rather than in my hotel. Woman: Yeah. Man: And I soon realized that the same restaurant was being described again. I looked all the way through the leaflet and every page was a description of the same restaurant! There were no others in there! 100 pages all about the same restaurant! Woman: Oh, what was the name of file restaurant Man: I can’t remember! Woman: Oh, that reminds me of something. A colleague of mine was in Sweden. He was at the end of a tough series of meetings in Stockholm and about to fly back home to London. Well, he checked his suitcase in and went through to tile departure lounge, had a drink and caught his plane back to Heathrow. Unfortunately, the check-in clerk had put the wrong label on his case and it had the tag for a different flight on it... Man: So he went to London and his luggage went somewhere else Woman: No, no, no, no, worse than that. They did a security check on all the luggage that was being loaded onto the other flight and found that there was no passenger name to match that particular suitcase. So they very carefully took the case off to the far comer of the airport and the security police blew it up! Man: Oh! Woman: Luckily, it only contained dirty clothes and a toothbrush and stuff like that. And he got fully compensated 查看试题解析出处>>


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