
解析:It seems that our society favors a

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【单选题】It seems that our society favors a kind of ritualized aggression.Everywhere you look, in newspapers and on television, issues are presented using the terminology of war and conflict. We hear of battles, duels and disputes. We see things in terms of winners and losers, victors and victims. The problem is society’s unquestioning belief in the advantages of the debate as a way of solving disagreements, even proving right from wrong.
Our brainwashing begins early, at school, when the brightest pupils are co-opted onto the debating ream. The training in this adversarial approach constitutes at our tertiary restitutions. The standard way to present an academic paper, for instance, is to take up an opposing argument to something expressed by another academiC、The paper must set out to prove the other person wrong. This is not at all the same thing as reading the original paper with an open mind and discovering that you disagree with it.
The reverence for the adversarial approach spills over into all areas of life. Instead of answering their critics, politicians learn to sidestep negative comments and turn the point around to an attack on their accusers.Defense lawyers argue the case for their clients even when they suspect they maybe guilty.And ordinary people use the same tactics-just listen to your teenager next time you pull him up for coming home late. You can be sure a stream of abuse will flow about your own time-keeping, your irritating habits, and your history of bad parenting.
Unfortunately, the smarter your kid, the better his or her argument against you will be. You’ll be upset, sure, but you’ll comfort yourself that those teenage monsters of yours will one day turn into mature, tough adults who can look after themselves by which you mean, of course, they will be able to argue their way out of sticky situations.
It’s not that you should never use angry words, or take up a position in opposition to someone or something. There are certainly times when one should take a stand, and in such cases strong words are quite appropriate: if you witness injustice, for instance, or feel passionately about another’s folly. Mockery so cruel when practiced on the innocent-can be very useful in such situations. There is no better way to bring down a tyrant than to mock him mercilessly.
What I dislike is the automatic assumption most people have when it comes to disagreements. they should attack, abuse, and preferably over power their opponent, at whatever the cost.
But just think how easy it can be to persuade a "difficult" person to be considerate of you or your wishes when you are pleasant to them, and unthreatening. Give them a way out of a potentially aggressive situation without losing face, and they will oblige you willingly.
The author thinks that harsh words are appropriate in the following situationsEXPECT ______.A.when you see something unfair
B.when you are annoyed at someone’s extremely foolish behavior
C.when you are enough with an arrogant person
D.when you are in disagreement with your colleagues


细节题。根据文章第五段可选出正确答案。本段中作者指出一些适宜使用激烈的言辞表达反对意见的场合,如见到不公正现象,对他人的愚蠢行为感到无比气愤和遇到专横跋扈的人时,这分别对应选项A、B和C。只有D“和同事意见不一致时”没提到。故D为正确答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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