
解析:Questions 4 to 6 are based on the

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【单选题】Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the conversation.

where is the man goingA.Dullas.


[听力原文]4-6 Woman: Can I help you Man: Sure. I’d like to book an airline ticket here. W: Which airlines do you prefer M: I don’t have any particular airlines in mind. Any one safe, reliable and reasonable is O.K. with me. W: Where is your destination M: (4[C])London. W: From here M: Yes, from Norfolk International to London Heathrow Airport. W: When would you like to leave M: (5IAI)Friday, the coming Friday. W: There’re dozen flights to London. Which do you prefer, morning, afternoon or night flight M: Is there any difference in price W: Yes. Generally speaking, the night flight is cheaper. Are you taking single or return M: Return. I’ll be back Monday evening. W: And economy class M: Yes. W: You’ll have our weekend bargain price. It’s $480. M: That’s acceptable. Which airlines W: The US Air and the British Airways. M: You mean I’ll have to change. W: Yes, at Dullas Airport, Washington D. C. M: What time W: You leave Norfolk International at 9:55 p.m and Dullas at 11:50 p.m. M: How long does the trip take W: About 5 hours, You’ll be there in the morning. M: That’s O.K. with me. W: Can I have your name please M: John Smith. W: John Smith. Shall I write your tickets now M: Wait a minute. How much luggage can I take onto the plane I’ve got some documents and have to take good care of them. W: It’s 5 kilos. You may just take your documents with you and leave the other luggage to the airlines. M: That’s a good idea. W: You’ll return from Heathrow at 6 p. m Monday and arrive at Dullas, 7 p.m. Is that all right M: That’s perfect. Please make my tickets O.K. W: Sure. You don’t have to have your return ticket confirmed. M: Do you accept the credit card W: (6[B])Yes. Please sign your name here. Thank you. Here you are, credit Card, tickets and receipt. M: I appreciate it. W: You’re welcome. 细节题。女士问到:Where is your destination 男士回答:London。由此可知他要去伦敦。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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