
解析:What is the main idea of the ne

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

What is the main idea of the new itemA.Italy decided to increase anti-terrorism measures.
B.Italy would prohibit training people to use explosives for terrorism purpose.
C.The deadly bombings in London earlier shocked Italian government.
D.Some Italians participated the terrorist bombings in London.


[听力原文] 23-24 The parliament of Italy has given a final approval to increase anti-terrorism measures. The government announced the legislation after the deadly terrorist bombings in London earlier this month. The House of Deputies passed the measures on Saturday after earlier approval by the Senate. The legislation would make it illegal to train people to use explosives that are used in terrorist attacks. Also, police may hold suspects twelve hours longer than is permitted, to confirm identities. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi already has approved the measures. [解析] 原文中“The parliament of Italy has given a final approval to increase anti-terrorism measures.”因此选A。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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