
解析:The news is mainly about ______. A

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【单选题】The news is mainly about ______.
A、the moon is a big sand trap
B、water may be plentiful in the interior of the moon
C、collision made the moon so hot
D、scientists can identify elements present in the moon

[解析] When astronaut Alan Shepard took his first swing at a golf ball on the moon, he hit more dirt than ball. The dust he kicked up reinforced the idea that the moon is one big sand trap. But looks can be deceiving. Now, scientists reanalyzing lunar samples say that our satellite is at least a hundred times wetter than we thought. Astronauts manning the Apollo missions brought home plenty of moon rocks. And in 40 years of looking at those samples, no one ever found a trace of water. [9] That could be because the collision, that made the moon in the first place was so hot that volatile elements like hydrogen, a key component of H 2 O, largely burned away. Now, using a technique that can identify elements present in just a few parts-per-billion, scientists have taken another look at three lunar samples, two from Apollo missions and one meteorite found in Africa. And they detected hydroxyl, the HO that’s left behind when a rock crystallizes from magma containing water. [8] The results suggest that water may be ubiquitous in the interior of the moon. 本题的出题点在新闻末尾的主旨句处。新闻提到,科学家研究的结果表明,月球内部可能含有大量的水。整则新闻都是在探讨月球上是否存在水资源。首先通过人类登月时的情景来说明,起初人们认为月球上并没有水,其次通过一些科学家对月球上岩石的检测结果说明,月球上可能存在水资源。故选B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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