
解析:While radio broadcasting was still

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】While radio broadcasting was still (31) its early stage the wonder of television was (32) being developeD、The first step towards its invention was (33) in 1873 but the person responsible for developing (34) was John LogieBairD、In 1926 he gave the (35) of a television picture.
As a home entertainment, (36) rapidly became more popular than any (37) form.A、news broadcast became more immediate (38) people could actually see the scene (39) question and the movements of the figures. Films could also be available. One of the advantages of travel programmes was the (40) of far-away places which many viewers (41) not otherwise have seen. (42) much of the entertainment was of a popular (43) like quiz competitions, some remarkable cultural programmes were also broadcast. Just as (44) radio in earlier days, a group of actors and actresses became familiar in (45) householD、 (46) of the most popular programmes on television was sport and an interesting (47) of the television broadcast was the increased (48) at the actual events. How far this was due to a growth in interest (49) the game and how far out of the people’s desire to appear on the (50) is not clear.

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