
解析:In this section you will hear

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

In this section you will hear everything ONCE、ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.

Which of the following is NOT the author’s viewAsians are at a higher risk of alcoholism.
B.Organic vegetables are not always safer.
C.We may rust from absorbing too much iron.
D.Moderate amount of sun exposure is gooD、


[解析] 对话接近尾声时,Sharon在谈到亚洲人比欧洲人不胜酒力时解释道,50%的亚洲人缺乏一种能有效分解酒精的基因,这使他们对酒精有过敏反映、面红耳赤,看似喝醉,但其实是好事,能使他们不至于嗜酒成瘾。A刚好与他的观点相反,因此为正确选项。 [点睛] 观点态度题。本题应结合说话人在访谈中提出的主要见解进行判断。访谈中主持人问,有机蔬菜是否总是要更安全,Sharon作了否定回答,故B符合作者肯定的回答,并指出这是因为人类摄入太多铁了,故C符合作者观点;Sharon提倡适量地晒太阳更有助于健康,故D符合作者观点。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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