
解析:Perhaps it’s the weather, which som

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【单选题】Perhaps it’s the weather, which sometimes seals London with a gray ceiling for weeks on enD、Or maybe it isBritons’ penchant for understatement, their romantic association with the countryside or their love of gardens. Whatever the reason, while other cities grew upward as they developed, London spread outward, keeping its vast parks, its rows of townhouses and its horizon lines intact.
But as the city’s population and its prominence as a global business capital continue to grow, it sometimes seems ready to burst at the seams. In response, developers are turning to a type of building that used to be deeply unfashionable here, even as it flourished in other capitals of commerce: the skyscraper.
In recent years, a cluster of sizable office towers have sprouted on the periphery of London, in its redevelopedDocklands atCanary wharf.But skyscrapers now are pushing into the heart of theCity, London’s central financial district, and surrounding areas along the Thames.
The mayor, Ken Livingstone, champions tall buildings as part of his controversial plans to remake central London as a denser, more urban sort of place, with greater reliance on public transport. First he angered some drivers by charging them a toll to enter the city center on workdays, now he finds himself opposed by preservation groups, includingEnglish Heritage, that want to keep London’s character as a low-rise city.
For now, the mayor seems to be getting his way. One prominent tower, a 40-story building designed by Norman Foster for the Swiss Re insurance company was completed this year.A、handful of others have received planning permission and at least a dozen more have been proposeD、
By far the most prominent of these buildings—and one that finally looks like it will go ahead after a drawn-out approval process—is the LondonBridge Tower, designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano. The developer Irvine Sellar won government approval for the building late last year and says he is completing the financing and hopes to start work by early 2005.
The 306-meter, or 1,016-foot, tower would be by far the tallest building inBritain, in all ofEurope, in fact, surpassing the 264-meter Triumph Palace in Moscow, a residential building that was finished late last year.
To be sure, even the LondonBridge Tower would be modest by the standards ofAmerican orAsian skyscrapers, or some of the behemoths on the ’drawing boards for places likeDubai and Shanghai. The tallest building in the world at the moment is the 509-meter Taipei 101 tower in Taiwan, according to theCouncil on TallBuildings and Urban Habitat.But it will surely be surpassed soon amid a boom in construction that persists.
In a city that has been reluctant to reach for the sky, perhaps it is appropriate that Piano is the architect for what probably will he London’s tallest building. He is ambivalent about skyscrapers, too, and has designed only a handful alongside such projects as the PompidouCenter in Paris, with Richard Rogers, and parts of the reconstructed Potsdamer Platz InBerlin.
English Heritage has been far less enthusiastic, arguing that the building would obstruct views of a high-rise from a much earlier era,Christopher Wren’s St. Patti’sCathedral. To overcome opposition, the building was designed with a mixed-use function. Much of the bottom half of the building will house offices, but above that there will be a "public piazza" with restaurants, exhibition spaces and other entertainment areas. Further above, the loftier, narrower floors will be taken up by a hotel and apartments. On the 65th floor there will be a viewing gallery. The upper 60 meters, exposed to the elements, will house an energy-saving cooling system in which pipes will be used to pump excess heat up from the offices below and dissipate it into the winds. "We knew we had no chance of getting it approved unless we had a high-quality design from a top internat

[定位] 根据题干中的London Bridge Tower可定位到第6、7、8段。 [解析] 细读第6、7、8段可知伦敦桥大楼由意大利建筑师伦佐·皮亚诺设计,高达306米,为欧洲之最,但与美国和亚洲的高楼相比则显得高度适中,由此只能选C,其余选项均与文巾内容不符。 [点睛] 细节题。此题三个干扰项A、B、D涉及的信息点跨越第6、7、8三个段落,难度较大。考生可从选项提供的信息获得提示,重点阅读第7、8两段有关伦敦桥大楼的设计师,高度及标准等方面的信息,从而排除干扰项。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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