
解析:Threats from nomadic people in the

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】Threats from nomadic people in the north were (31) throughoutChinese history. They were continually attacking theChinese northern (32) . With each new emperor, came endless debate about how to (33) the barbarians. There were four options: (34) offensive campaigns to drive them away or to destroy them; create defensive garrisons; develop diplomatic and (35) ties with them, or build a wall to keep them out.
All the options were (36) at various times.Experience showed that (37) campaigns were too costly and very risky, (38) defensive garrisons could not respond quickly enough (39) lightning attacks along a long border. The third option would seem to be a very (40) one and it was in fact tried successfully (41) a couple of occasions. Wall building became the most favored option in many dynasties. The three dynasties which (42) the most walls were the Qin, the Han and the Ming.
The effectiveness of the Great Wall in history is still a controversial (43) Historical records show that the wall (44) at many times (45) repel invaders. Only on two occasions when a dynasty weakened from (46) were invaders from the north (47) advance and conquer. (48) , scholars think theChinese wall builders were themselves responsible for the unrest on the border. The nomads were people who did not farm, so they (49) trade withChina for many essentials. When theChinese refused to trade with them, they had no option (50) raid border towns.
A.deal with
B.do with
C.do away with
D.put up with


短语辨析题。deal with意为“对付,应付”;do with意为“以……对付过去,利用”;do away with意为“废除,结束”;put up with意为“容忍”。从option后给出的内容看,这里提及的不仅是如何安抚游牧民族,还包括如何打击他们,只有deal with涵盖了各个方面内容,故为答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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