
解析:Questions 27 and 28 are based on th

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【单选题】Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.
When a car is speeding, a speed camera will be

A、recording the speed limit of the are
B、calculating how fast the car is going.
C、taking down the date and time of the are
D、taking a picture of the car’s number plate.

[解析] 27-28 Nowadays in towns and cities across America,patrol cars are deployed elsewhere because unattended, fixed cameras are catching speeders in record numbers. The cameras record the speed limit in the area,how fast the vehicle is going,and the date and time of the offense.[27] And they snap a close-up digital images of the vehicle’s license plate as it is speeding. Police chiefs welcome the cameras as life-savers.According to Washington’s chief,Cathy Lanier,trafic deaths in the city have been cut in half in four years. But opposition to speed cameras is fierce and loud.[28] people across the counry argue that the devices are just money makers and that time spent processing images,sending out tickets,and collecting fines pulls police away from crime-fighting. [解析] 本新闻介绍了一种在美国专门用于检测超速车辆的相机。这种相机能够记录所在地区的行车限速、行驶 车辆的车速以及违规行为的具体日期和时间,还可以在车辆超速的时候拍下车牌的特写镜头,故选D。注意题干的时态强调的是“同时进行”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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