
解析:What did the woman do the previous

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】What did the woman do the previous night
A、She went for a fide.
B.She read a book.
C.She watched televison.
D.She had a doctor’s appointment.


[听力原文]8-10 W: I saw a rerun of an old western program on TV last night. M: Oh What was on W: Gunsmoke. Do you remember that TV program with Marshall Dillon, Miss Kitty, and Doc M: Doc A doctor in a western W: Sure, actors were important in the Old West. In fact, medical care in the west was pretty good by the 1900’s, it was generally as good as in the rest of the country. M: Even in the rural areas W: Well, there, people had less access to the best available care since the roads were pretty poor. M: I’d imagine all that changed with the coming of the automobile. W: It certainly did. The automobile caused both the open frontier and horse and buggy travel to gradually disappear. And it allowed doctors and patients to get around more quickly. M: I’ll bet doctors were able to attend to emergencies much more rapidly, too. W: Right. And cars became even more important as more people steeled in the West. M: I find tile history of the Old West really interesting. W: So do I [试题分析] 注意细节。 [详细解答] 本题为细节题。对话一开始女士说I saw a re-run of an old western program on T.V.last night.由此得知该女士昨晚看了电视。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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