
解析:Believe it or not, no one can affor

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】Believe it or not, no one can afford to deny or ignore the tiny sparkle of an idea, especially in a/an (31) of knowledge explosion. Like any other aspects of the computer age, Yahoo began as an idea, (32) into a hobby and lately has turned into a full-time passion. The two developers of Yahoo,David Filo and Jerry Yang, Ph.D、candidates (33) ElectricalEngineering at Stanford University in the United States, started their (34) inApril 1994 as a way to keep (35) of their personal interest on the Internet.Before long they found that their homebrewed lists were becoming too long and (36) .And gradually they began to spend more and more time on Yahoo.
During the year of 1994, they (37) Yahoo into a customized database designed to (38) the needs of the thousands of users that began to use the service through the closely (39) Internet community. They developed customized software to help them (40) locate, identify and edit material (41) on the Internet. The name Yahoo is (42) to stand for "YetAnother Hierarchical Officious Oracle", butDavid Filo and Jerry Yang insist that they select the (43) because they considered themselves yahoos. Yahoo itself first (44) on Yang’s workstation, "akebono", while the search engine was (45) on Filo’s computer, "Konishiki".
In early 1995 MarcAndersen, one of the (46) of NetscapeCommunication in Mountain View,California, invited Filo and Yang to move their files (47) to larger computers (48) at Netscape.As a result Stanford’s computer network returned to (49) and both parties benefited from this issue. Today, Yahoo (50) organized information on tens of thousands of computers linked to the weB、


动词语义衔接题。句意为:而搜索引擎则出现在Filo的电脑上。根据上面一句,可知这里应该填表示“临时位于”的词汇。[B]lodge表示“临时住宿,寄宿”,合乎题意。其他选项中,选项 [A]connect表示“关联”;选项[C]introduce表示“引入,介绍”;而选项[D]link则表示“连接”,均不合题意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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