
解析:Floriculture involves the science a

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【单选题】Floriculture involves the science and practice of growing, harvesting, storing, designing and marketing of ornamental plants. It also involves the intensive production of flowers and ornamental shrubs. The production and use of ornamental plants has significant potentials for increasing food production and income in Nigeri
A、Like other agricultural crops production enterprise, ornamental crops production play a crucial role in developing economies.
A、number of Nigerians now establish vegetable and ornamental gardens across the major cities of the country. The economic benefits and total output values of these enterprises .are tremendous in the country and the income that accrue from commercial ornamental plant production through the sales of flowers and other ornamental plants could be very significant and contribute substantially to farmers’ income.
Over the years, a number of developing countries experienced a rapid growth in their exports of highly perishable horticultural products to developed countries, but the contribution of ornamental plants is still at the infancy stage. However, the production of both cut flowers and home plants has continued to increase steadily in most developing countries. The importance of ornamental plants in human health cannot be over emphasized, they are not only sources of medicinal herbs which are primary form of therapy for treatment of diseases; they are also known to have therapeutic values. For instance, walking through a botanical garden can be very relaxing and healthy; people with emotional and mental problems have been helped when deliberately exposed to ornamental plants.Another benefit of ornamentals is in the area of sports and recreation. Turfs are cultivated for sports field and community garden plots that are strategically located along walking paths which serves as convenient places where people converse and interact, they also serve as environmental stimulant that triggers pleasant memories. These plants also play a crucial role in cooling the atmosphere through the evapo-transpiration process on their leaves and other parts thereby preventing health hazarD、Omokhua, et al reported that in many societies some flowers are associated with specific events. For example the rose flowers are used to mark valentine season while poinsettias flowers are associated with yuletide periods.
The industry provides employment for different categories of people in the rural and urban areas. These categories include: skilled labor job such as the nursery manager, jobs for individuals in the cultivation and marketing of plants. The United States leads other nations of the world in flower business with gross cash receipt of over 400 million dollars annually, with over 15 billion dollars in 2005. In 2006 the floriculture item sold at all retail outlets in the United States ofAmerica was worth $ 20.8 billion. InAfrica, with little government intervention, Kenya is presently the leader in floriculture production. It produces nearly 200 million dollars in cut flowers and foliage annually accounting for about 14% of total earning and providing employment for nearly 50,000 Kenyans.
Nigeria’s diversified agro-climatic conditions make it suitable for the production of wide range of ornamental plants. Its comparative abundant land and labor as well as reasonably good water resources create ample opportunities for flower production. The country is endowed with enormous varieties of ornamental plants such as orchids, which may not be found in any part of the world, these plants when properly identified, classified and developed will be a good source of employment, income and foreign exchange for Nigeri
According to the passage, which of the following does NOT characterize floriculture
A、The production and use of ornamental plants.
B.The marketing of flowers and shrubs.
C.The designing and appreciation of beautiful flowers.
D.The commerc

从文中第一自然段可以看出,设计和欣赏并不是floriculture的显著特征,文中反复提到 production,marketing,commercial等字眼,说明floriculture的显著特征在于市场盈利。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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