
解析:In Washington, it was agreed th

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In Washington, it was agreed that______.A.there should not be any possibility of nuclear terrorism within four years
B.all nuclear materials should be protected within four years
C.all nuclear materials had been protected
D.many countries had suffered a lot from nuclear terrorism


[听力原文] 29-30 World leaders agreed this week to protect all nuclear materials within four years to stop the possibility of nuclear terrorism. Leaders from forty-seven countries gathered in Washington for President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit. The president said groups like al-Qaida would surely use a nuclear weapon if they got one. Barack Obama said, "All this, in turn, requires something else, which is something more fundamental. It will require a new mindset—that we summon the will, as nations and as partners, to do what this moment in history demands." Progress on a working plan for securing nuclear materials can be discussed when the Republic of Korea holds the next summit in two years. Several nations made individual promises, including Ukraine. It promised to give up all of its highly enriched uranium by two thousand twelve. [解析] 根据原文“World leaders agreed this week to protect all nuclear materials within four years to stop the possibility of nuclear terrorism.”可知选B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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