
解析:when was the Northern Limit Line de

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【单选题】when was the Northern Limit Line defined
when was the Northern Limit Line defined
A.In 1953.
B、In 1999.
C、In 2002.
D、In 2003.A.In 1953.

B、In 1999.

C、In 2002.

D、In 2003.


[听力原文] North Korea has warned South Korean military and fishing boats to stay clear of a disputed maritime area, or risk being fired on. North Korea has refused for decades to accept a maritime border known as the Northern Limit Line, mandated by the United Nations after a 1953 agreement to stop fighting in the Korean War . North and South Korea fought two deadly naval battles in the area in 1999 and 2002, and the South badly damaged a North Korean ship in an exchange of fire there last month. South Korea denies ever crossing into the North’s side of the line. Seoul says every clash between the two sides has resulted from North Korean incursions into the South states. Military experts here say under President Lee Myung-bak, South Korea has made its naval rules of engagement more robust, allowing ships to fire back at shore- based North Korean positions that fire on them first. News Item 2 British Olympic Association chairman Colin Moynihan has proposed a new bill in the House of Lords’ to strengthen anti-doping measures. The bill proposes an increase in the police’s search powers and allows them to raid the athletes’ village. But the British Athletes Commission are against random searches. Chief executive Peter Gardner wants reassurances that "stop and search" tactics will not be used on Olympic athletes at random and will raise the issue at a meeting with BOA chief executive Andy Hunt on Tuesday. Gardner said.. "If this bill gets through we want to know how exactly they would go about exercising the new powers." "We do not want to see random ’stop and search’ in the Village—that would be utterly disastrous for the London Olympics." "It’s one thing for us to be seen to be taking a tough stance on doping, but it’s quite another to make athletes feel like criminals." After weeks and weeks of discussion, after demonstrations and strikes, more than 150 hours of debate in both the French senate and National Assembly, The Pension Reform Bill passed its last legislative hurdle today with a vote of 336 to 233 at the National Assembly. The bill will now go to president Sarkozy, but even before that, the Left Opposition here trying to make it as difficult as possible for the government, is going to challenge the bill in the constitutional court. That will mean another 8 days of delay as the constitutional court decide whether the law is constitutional. In the mean time, there are more strikes and demonstrations, including tomorrow. And the strikes on the ground have not stopped either. 事实细节题。北方分界线由联合国于1953年确立。故答案选A。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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