
解析:Prewriting refers to strategies you

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【单选题】Prewriting refers to strategies you can use to gen- erate ideas before starting the first draft of a paper. Prewriting techniques are like the warm-ups you do (31) going out to jog--they loosen you up, get you moving, and help you (32) a sense of con- fidence. Since prewriting techniques encourage (33) exploration, they also help you discover (34) interests you most about your subject. Having such a focus early in the writing process (35) you from plunging into your initial draft without first giving some thought to what you want to say. (36) , prewriting saves you time in the long run by keeping you on course.
Prewriting can help you in (37) ways, too. When we write, we often continually critique what we (38) on paper. "This makes no sense," "This is stupid," "I can’t say that," and other critical thoughts (39) into our minds. Such (40) , self-critical comments very often, if not always, (41) the flow of our thoughts and reinforce the fear that we have nothing to say and aren’t very good at writing.During prewriting, you (42) ignore your internal critiC、Your purpose is simply to get ideas down on paper (43) evaluating their effectiveness. Writing without immediately judging what you produce can be liberating. Once you feel less (44) , you’ll probably find that you can generate a good deal of material, and that can make your (45) soar.
One (46) advantage of prewriting: The random associations (47) prewriting tap the mind’s ability to make (48) connections. When you prewrite, you’re like an archaeologist going on a (49) On the one hand, you may not unearth anything; on the other hand, you may stumble upon one interesting (50) after another. Prewriting helps you appre- ciate-right from the start--this element of surprise in the writing process.
C、turn D、happen

[解析] 此句大意为,在写作时,脑子里可能会突然产生前面列举的自我否定性的想法、念头。 pop表示“突然出现”,该词含有suddenly和unexpect- edly的意味在里边。选项A恰当。 [点睛] 搭配辨析题。appear和happen后面一般不带into的介宾结构,排除B和D:turn into是“变成……” 的意思,在本句中不恰当,排除C。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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