
解析:1 Zora Neale Hurston devoted five

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【单选题】1 Zora Neale Hurston devoted five years to the collection of rural black folklore in Haiti, the West Indies, and theAmerican South. Her ear for the rhythms of speech and her daring in seeking initiation into many voodoo cults resulted in ethnographic studies such as Mules and Men, which conveyed the vitality, movement, and color of rural black culture.
2 Hurston continued her fieldwork in theCaribbean but eventually followed her most cherished calling, that of fiction writer. TheirEyes Were Watching God (1937), a novel about a black woman finding happiness in simple farm life, is now her most famous book, although for thirty years after publication, it was largely unknown, unread, and dismissed by the male literary establishment. In this novel, Hurston gives us a heroic female character, JanieCrawford, who portrays freedom, autonomy, and self-realization, while also being a romantic figure attached to a man. This novel reveals anAfricanAmerican writer struggling with the problem of the hero as woman and the difficulties of giving a woman character such courage and power in 1937.
3 From the beginning of her career, Hurston was criticized for not writing fiction in the protest tradition. Her conservative views on race relations put her out of touch with the temper of the times. She argued that integration would undermine the strength and values ofAfricanAmerican culture. Hurston died in poverty and obscurity in 1960, and it was only afterward that later generations of black and whiteAmericans were to rediscover and revere her celebrations of black culture.
The word vitality in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to


Vitality means energy in this context. Clues: ... rhythms of speech...; ... daring...; ... movement, and color of rural black culture; the stem -vita- = life. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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