
解析:What indicates the economic effect

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【多选题】What indicates the economic effect onAmerican housing
[Clink on 2 answers.]

A、Inflation has increased the cost of housing.
B、People earn less and less than before.
C、There is a serious shortage of energy.
D、Interest rates have become very high.

[解析] 本题为细节多选题,要求考生选择两个细节或事实作为答案。听力材料中提到“Recently, the American economy has also had a major effect on American housing. Inflation has pushed the cost of homes higher and higher. And, interest rates have become very high. Buyers now must pay as much as 18% interest for housing loans(最近,美同的经济也对美同的住房状况产生了重要影响。通货膨胀使得房价越来越高,并且利率也变得很高。目前,购房者需支付高达18%的住房贷款利率)”,因此,得出A、D为正确选项。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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