
解析:{$mediaurl} Now listen to a short

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Now listen to a short conversation between a student and her frienD、
Describe the woman’s problem and the two suggestions that her friend makes about how to handle it. What do you think the woman should do, and why
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Recording Time: 60 seconds

试题答案: Responses will veay 答案解析:[解析] Narrator 2: Number 5. Listen to a short conversation. Then listen for a question about it. After you hear the question, you have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to record your answer. Narrator 1: Now listen to a conversation between a student and her friend. Student: I need to earn some extra money. My budget’s just out of control. Friend: I hear you. I had the same problem last semester. Student: So what did you do Friend: I got a job at the cafeteria. I don’t really like the work, but the good thing is that you get free meals. Student: Really Are they hiring Friend: I don’t know, but I could ask. The pay isn’t great though. See, the meals are the thing. Student: Oh. Still, that would cut down on the grocery bill. Friend: Yeah... Or, you know what You could rent that extra room in your apartment. I’ll bet you could get $250 a month, at least. Student: I’ve been thinking about that. It would help with the rent and the utilities, and I wouldn’t have to work so I could use my time for my classes, but, I keep thinking, what if my roommate doesn’t pay on time, or what if there’s a lot of noise. Friend: Well, you’d have to have a deposit and a contract...something in writing so you could keep the deposit if there were problems, and you could break the contract if it didn’t work out. Narrator 1: Describe the woman’s problem, and the two suggestions that her friend makes about how to handle it. What do you think the woman should do, and why Narrator 2: Please prepare your answer after the beep. Beep [Preparation time: 20 seconds] Narrator 2: Please begin speaking after the beep. Beep [Recording time: 60 seconds] Beep document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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