
解析:{$mediaurl} [*] [*] The professo

来源:网考网托福 所有评论

[*] The professor explains how a seed becomes a young plant. Summarize the process by putting the events in order.
Drag each sentence to the space where it belongs.
A.The plant collects sunlight for its growth energy.
B.The embryonic root pushes outward into the soil.
C.The seed takes in water and begins to swell.
D.The tip of the shoot breaks through the soil’s surface.





试题答案:C-B-D-A 答案解析:The professor says (1) When the embryo takes in water, it often swells to several times its original size; (2) The first organ to emerge from the germinating seed is the embryonic root. The root pushes outward into the soil...; (3) The tip of the shoot has to break through the soil surface; (4) ...it unfolds its solar collectors, its first leaves; ...now it draws most of its growth energy directly from the sun. (2.6) document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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