
解析:What can be inferred based on the d

来源:网考网托福 所有评论

【单选题】What can be inferred based on the description of the comet’s center as a potato
A、The comet has holes and bulbs like a potato.
B、The surface of the comet is too smooth to resemble a potato.
C、The comet is as smooth as people expecte

D、Some parts of the comet haven’t been smoothe


[解析] 本题为推论题,考查考生根据听力材料所提到的细节或事实,对某一暗示的内容作出推论的能力。题目问:从哈雷彗星被喻为土豆的描述中,可得到下列哪一推论 在讲座快结束时,教授说:“Also, the comet’s solid center is not smooth and round as experts thought it would be after orbiting the solar system for millions of years. Scientists had been sure the comet was a smooth ball because it follows a smooth path as it orbits the sun. Now they know it looks more like as a potato (彗星在太阳系轨道运转数百万年后,它的坚硬的中心不像专家们认为的那样圆而光滑。科学家曾经肯定地认为它是一个光滑的球,因为当它进入太阳的轨道后沿着一条光滑的轨道运转。现在他们知道彗星更像一个马铃薯)。选项A(彗星像马铃薯,有鳞茎和小洞)为正确答案,而选项B(彗星表面光滑而不像马铃薯)、选项C(彗星表面像专家预期的那样光滑)和选项D(彗星表面有些地方还未被打磨光滑)均不符合题意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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