
解析:1 The war for independence fromBr

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【单选题】1 The war for independence fromBritain was a long and economically costly conflict. The NewEngland fishing industry was temporarily destroyed, and the tobacco colonies in the South were also hard hit. The trade in imports was severely affected, since the war was fought against the country that had previously monopolized the colonies’ supply of manufactured goods. The most serious consequences were felt in the cities, whose existence depended on commercial activity.Boston, New York, Philadelphia, andCharleston were all occupied for a time byBritish troops.Even when the troops had left,British ships lurked in the harbors and continued to disrupt trade.
2American income from shipbuilding and commerce declined abruptly, undermining the entire economy of the urban areas. The decline in trade brought a fall in theAmerican standard of living. Unemployed shipwrights, dock laborers, and coopers drifted off to find work on farms and in small villages. Some of them joined theContinental army, or if they were loyal toBritain, they departed with theBritish forces. The population of New YorkCity declined from 21,000 in 1774 to less than half that number only nine years later in 1783.
3 The disruptions produced by the fighting of the war, by the loss of established markets for manufactured goods, by the loss of sources of credit, and by the lack of new investment all created a period of economic stagnation that lasted for the next twenty years.
What probably occurred during the years fight after the war for independenceA.Development of new shipbuilding technology
B.A、return to traditional methods of manufacturing

C、A、shift to an agricultural economy in New York
D.Shortages of money and manufactured goodsEXTI


You can infer that shortages of money and manufactured goods occurred during the years right after the war for independence. Clues: ... the loss of established markets for manufactured goods.., the loss of sources of credit.., the lack of new investment all created a period of economic stagnation that lasted for the next twenty years. (1.4) document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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