
解析:The Impressionists InApril 1870,

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The Impressionists
InApril 1870, an art exhibit opened in Paris featuring famous and priceless works of art. However, at the time, no one knew that these paintings would one day be considered masterpieces. The paintings and the painters were virtually unknown at the time and would remain that way for several years.
In the nineteenth century, French art was dominated by theAcademy of FineArts.Every year the academy held an art show called Le Salon. In 1863, theAcademy rejected one of the paintings ofEdouard Manet. Manet and a group of other independent artists organized their own show, which they called Salon des Refuses (Salon of the Rejected), which opened onApril 15,1874.A、newspa per critic named Louis Leroy visited the gallery and was not pleased with what he saw. One painting of boats in a harbor at dawn byClaude Monet particularly enraged him. It was called Impression: Sunset. Leroy wrote that this piece, and in fact most of the pieces in the show, looked like impressions--a term for a preliminary, unfinished sketch made before a painting is done. Leroy’s newspaper review was jokingly called "TheExhibition of the Impressionists". Within a few years of Leroy’s review, the term "Impressionists" had clearly stuck, not as a term of derision but as a badge of honor, and a new movement was born.
The Impressionist movement included the French paintersEdouard Manet,Claude Monet, PierreAuguste Renoir,EdgarDegas, PaulCezanne, and theAmerican painter MaryCassatt. The techniques and standards employed within the Impressionist movement varied widely, and though the artists shared a core of values, the real glue which bound the movement together was its spirit of rebellion and independence.
This spirit is clear when you compare Impressionist paintings with traditional French paintings of the time.
Traditional painters tended to paint rather serious scenes from history and mythology. "Many Impressionist paintings feature pleasant scenes of urban life, celebrating the leisure time that the Industrial Revolution had won for the middle class, as shown in Renoir’s luminous painting luncheon of theBoating Party. In that famous painting, the sun filters through the orange-striped awning bathing everything and everyone at the party in its warm light. Renoir once said that paintings should be... likable, joyous, and pretty. " He said, "There are enough unpleasant things in this worlD、We don’t have to paint them as well. " It is this joy of life that makes Renoir’s paintings so distinctive.
The Impressionists delighted in painting landscapes (except forEdgarDegas, who preferred painting indoor scenes, and MaryCassatt, who mainly painted portraits of mothers and children). Traditional painters, too, painted landscapes, but their landscapes tended to be somber and dark. The Impressionists’ landscapes sparkle with light.
Impressionists insisted that their works be "true to nature".
When they painted landscapes, they carried their paints and canvases outdoors in order to capture the ever-changing light. Traditional painters gener ally made preliminary sketches outside but worked on the paintings themselves in their studios.
"Classic" Impressionist paintings are often easy to spot because of the techniques used by the painters. One of the first "rules" of the Impressionists, that the colors should be dropped pure on the canvas instead of getting mixed on the palette, was respected by only a few of them and for only a couple of years, but most Impressionists mixed their paints as little as possible. They believed that it was better to allow the eye to

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