
解析:1Current archaeological theory hold

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【单选题】1Current archaeological theory holds that the first humans in theAmericas were bands of advanced StoneAge people who crossed over from what is now Siberia inAsia sometime between 12 and 30 thousand years ago. Some scientists think that these early humans crossed what is now theBering Sea on a land bridge, a stretch of glacial ice connectingAsia and NorthAmeric
A、Others speculate that they may have crossed that 55-mile-wide channel by boat.
2 These early humans probably migrated southward along an ice-free corridor.After several thousand years, perhaps at a pace of only ten miles every year, the migrants spread over this new land fromAlaska to the tip of SouthAmerica, a trail over ten thousand miles long. In SouthAmerica, where the glaciers from the ice age melted first, the migrants took strong root in the fertile soil and warming climate of Patagoni
A、As the ice receded farther north, civilization in what is nowCentralAmerica and Mexico began to take shape and flourish.
Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 1
A、Theories vary widely over how the first humans arrived in theAmericas, but most state that it occurred around 30 thousand years ago.

B、The best current theory states that between 12 and 30 thousand early humans crossed over from Siberia to NorthAmeric
C.Human beings originated in Siberia inAsia and later formed into bands that migrated to theAmericas during the StoneAge.
D.Archaeologists believe that groups of StoneAge humans first came to theAmericas fromAsia about 12 to 30 thousand years ago.


Current archaeological theory holds.., is paraphrased in Archaeologists believe the first humans in the Americas were bands of advanced Stone Age people.., is paraphrased in...groups of Stone Age humans first came to the Americas ...crossed over from what is now Siberia in Asia sometime between 12 and 30 thousand years ago is paraphrased in... came to the Americas from Asia about 12 to 30 thousand years ago. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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