
解析:Which of the following is NOT the r

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【单选题】Which of the following is NOT the reason why the media has to have sensitivity to the interests of the public
A、The news media are free of government control.
B.Each tries to present the newsAmericans want to know.
C.Each station or paper competes for audiences and readers.
D.It is the requirement of the government.


[解析] 本题为内在关联题,要求考生能够把握要点之间的内在联系,如因果关系等。题目问:下列哪一选项不是媒体要对公众的兴趣保持敏感的原因 根据第二段的句子“The news media in the U S. are free of government control (在美国,新闻媒体不受政府控制)”和“it is a very competitive business, as each station or each paper competes for audiences and readers (媒体行业竞争非常激烈,因为每个电台、电视台或每家报纸都在抢观众或读者)”,还有“Each tries to present to the news Americans want to know (每个媒体单位都设法向美国人报道他们最想知道的新闻)”,由此得出选项D(是政府的要求)在文章中未提及,因此选D。选项A(新闻媒体不受政府控制)、选项B(媒体要向美国人报道他们最想知道的新闻)和选项C(每个电台、电视台或每家报纸都在抢观众或读者)均为文章所提到的内容。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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